
Everything you need to know about Google Question Hub

Google Question Hub, What is Google Question Hub

By Sarah Fitz,

In early 2021, Google announced that they were making the Google Question Hub beta tool available in the United States. The beta tool is now available in only a small few regions across the world including USA, Nigeria, India and Indonesia but hopefully will begin to roll out across the globe sooner rather than later.

What is the purpose of Google Question Hub?

The main purpose of Google Question Hub is to help the Google search engine answer unanswered questions and in the long run make the Google search engine even more informative and useful for users.

How does Google Question Hub benefit publishers?

Google Question Hub allows publishers to find unanswered search engine questions from their relevant industry or sector. This can then help them create informative content and drive relevant organic traffic to their website. These unanswered questions can often be niche or very specific and can drive strong high intent traffic to your site which should improve your site’s audience and conversion rate. This beta tool has the potential to massively benefit content marketers in the future as it could assist you in finding new content topics but also help you understand the type of content which best serves your site’s audience. Even if your content submission to Google Question Hub does not get selected by Google to answer the question, don’t hesitate as your content can still be indexed within the search engine the old fashioned way. 

Are there any unique benefits of having content accepted by Google Question Hub?

If your submitted content is used by Google Question Hub, Google will help you track the impact of your content by giving you unique insights into your audience and your content’s reach.

How to get your answer selected by Google Question Hub?

Firstly, you need to find out if Google Question Hub is available within your region. If not, you can sign up via your email and they will notify you once it is available for you.

Once you have access to Google Question Hub, you can use one of your verified Google Search Console accounts to begin and then you will be prompted to click on relevant topics and subjects for your site. The tool will then add relevant questions from those subjects or areas into your account and you can select a question to answer. 

How do I answer a question on Google’s Question Hub?

Create a page of content or blog post on your website (remember to include the relevant question on the page of content), click on the answer section next to the question in Google Question Hub and then submit that URL link into the relevant area. 

In conclusion, the Google Question Hub beta tool has the potential to transform content marketing and assist content marketers with their strategies especially for niche topics. However, it is still unclear when Google Question Hub will be made available in Europe and it certainly will not be as important as traditional content marketing processes such as keyword research and audience analysis so these still need to be at the forefront of your content strategies for the long term.

To find out more about Google Question Hub, watch the video below:

About the author

Sarah is our Senior SEO Specialist who has been with us for over 3 years now. Since then she has been a key part of the team, developing our SEO strategies and helping our clients rank like they have never done before.