
Perfecting Your Hotel Gift Voucher Strategy: Boost Revenue and Attract New Customers

By Mairead Hallahan,

Gift vouchers are sometimes an underestimated & forgotten about resource. A well-executed gift voucher strategy can transform one-time guests or customers into repeat visitors and introduce your property into a wider audience. Below, we’ll explore how to perfect your hotel gift voucher strategy, and how Core Optimisation’s expertise in SEO, PPC, and paid social media marketing can help you achieve your goals.

The Importance of Gift Vouchers Year-Round

While many businesses heavily focus on gift voucher sales during between Black Friday and Christmas, it is important to remember gift vouchers are not just for Christmas, but have huge potential year-round; with Valentine’s, Mother’s Day, Thank you teacher, birthday’s and anniversaries!

Why you ask?

  1. Immediate Revenue source
  2. Attract New Customers: They can act as an introduction to your hotel for recipients who may not have visited otherwise.
  3. Increase Brand Loyalty: Customers who purchase vouchers often do so as gifts for loved ones, showing trust and endorsement of your brand. Your brand advocates will repeat their purchase, too – a lot of voucher buyers are loyal to the property they’re advocating and are likely to buy for more than one friend or family member over time! Whilst we’re on the topic of loyalty, why not reward your loyal customers with a voucher bundle deal or discount?

To create an appealing gift voucher, consider the following elements:

  1. Flexible Options: Offer various denominations and packages (e.g. a selection of monetary vouchers and experiences bespoke to your offering eg; spa treatments, overnight stays & dining experiences).
  2. Personalisation: Allow buyers to personalise vouchers with messages and a choice of delivery method, whether that be purchasing on site, postage or an instant e-voucher. 
  3. Easy Redemption: Make the redemption process seamless, whether online or in-person with clear terms & conditions. Make sure your guest-facing team is well aware of your gift voucher procedure. Most often it’s the Front Office, Spa or Restaurant team who pick up the phone from customers looking to buy or redeem gift vouchers.

Promoting Gift Vouchers with Digital Marketing

A strong digital marketing strategy is essential for maximising gift voucher sales. Here’s how Core Optimisation can help:

1. SEO: Ensuring Your Vouchers are Found

Make sure your voucher tab is very clearly visible and accessible across both mobile & desktop version of your website. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is also critical for making your gift vouchers visible to potential buyers.

By optimising your website for relevant keywords, we ensure your vouchers appear in search results when people look for hotel gifts. This includes:

  • Keyword Research: Identifying and targeting keywords such as “hotel gift vouchers Ireland” or “romantic getaway vouchers.”
  • On-Page SEO: Optimising voucher landing pages with compelling descriptions, high-quality images, and clear calls-to-action.
  • Local SEO: Enhancing your local search presence to attract nearby customers. Add Gift Vouchers to your Google Profile by creating a post and remember LinkedIn for corporate purchases.

2. PPC: Driving Immediate Traffic

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can drive immediate traffic and voucher sales. By creating targeted ad campaigns, we can reach people actively searching for gift vouchers. Our approach includes:

  • Google Ads: Creating search, bumper and display ads that highlight your gift vouchers and special offers.
  • Remarketing: Targeting previous visitors to your website with ads reminding them to purchase vouchers.

3. Paid Social Media: Engaging Your Audience

Social media platforms are excellent for promoting gift vouchers to a broad audience. We leverage paid social media ads to:

  • Target Specific Audiences: Use demographic and interest-based targeting to reach potential buyers. On the run up to a key date or season, try running a social campaign targeting people living away from home who will be searching for handy, hassle-free gifts for family or friends. Remember also that gift vouchers should appeal to both local and international audiences. For local customers, emphasize convenience and immediate availability. For international buyers, highlight e-voucher options and easy online redemption.
  • Showcase what you have on offer: Use visually appealing ads that highlight the benefits and experiences your vouchers provide- remember video is the clear winner!
  • Engage with followers: Run promotions, collaborations or competitions to increase engagement and drive voucher sales.


A robust always- on gift voucher strategy can significantly boost your hotel’s revenue, increase brand awareness, and enhance brand loyalty. By partnering with Core Optimisation, you can leverage expert SEO, PPC, and paid social media marketing to perfect your approach and achieve your business goals. Contact us today to learn how we can help you maximise your gift voucher sales and drive long-term success for your hotel.

About the author

Mairead is our Digital Strategist. She is a results driven hospitality professional with a genuine passion for the ever-evolving industry, with a unique blend of operational excellence and marketing expertise.